Irish Film Institute -IFI FAMILY: HOOK


Director: Steven Spielberg

142 mins, USA, 1991, Digital

Ring out the old year with a family cinema outing to a seasonal favourite. Director Steven Spielberg followed his rollercoaster Raiders trilogy of the ’80s with this retelling of the Peter Pan story. Robin Williams plays the grown up Peter, his childhood lost to the attorney world, until he gets transported to Neverland where a vengeful, cunning Captain. Hook (Dustin Hoffman) has kidnapped his children. Spielberg draws on all his resources to create an enormous entertainment, filled with set pieces and tricks.

Interspersed with memorable performances such as Maggie Smith as an aged Wendy, the late Bob Hoskins as Hook’s sidekick, and Julia Roberts as Tinkerbell, the adventure becomes a reckoning for Peter as the Lost Boys swirl around him and he is forced to reconsider his life choices, and what it is that will make him fly.

Notes by Alicia McGivern

Book Tickets

Sunday 31st
